Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I haven't posted in a while

But I will in the coming months.

I've been very busy with band stuff and have been sort of at a cross roads of sorts with things. I can't even fully explain it all now, but suffice to say this new batch of songs has nearly killed me and the plan our manager has for us is hard to deal with. It involves a lot of work without releasing any thing.

I’m extremely happy with the new songs, they’re the best I’ve ever been a part of and I’m excited about the video shoot for 10Volt this weekend. It’s just disheartening to lay in wait while things that are out of your control govern an entire lists of “could happens, might happens, and holyfuk happen already happens”.

On a lighter note, I wonder why professional painters wear white? Is it so they can prove to their bosses that they actually worked and didn’t just sit around ogling ladies all day? If my work output was represented in the wear on the clothes I’m wearing right now, I’d be fired. Sitting on your ass all day reading about worm holes and the Ordovician Period leaves little more than BBQ Jay’s potato chip crumbs on your lap.

I’m back though and ready to pontificate like a Kardashian on all manners of things most people could care less about.

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